czwartek, 30 stycznia 2014

Wywiad z Kevinem Johnsonem - koszykarzem polpharmy

Ile miał pan lat jak zaczął grać w koszykówke

 I couldn’t tell you an age of when I first remember playing basketball because it was something I grew up around my entire life. I would follow my older brother around every time he went to the basketball courts. Basketball was something that was around my environment. But it didn’t start getting serious for me until I was about 12 years old.

W jakich zespołach pan grał

Humboldt State University 2002-2007, Allianz Swans (Austria) 2007-2008, Polonia Warsaw (Poland) 2008-2009, LTI 46ers (Germany) 2009-2010, Keravnos Strovolou (Cyprus) 2010-2011, Yulon Luxgen (Taiwan) 2011-2012, Goztepe S.K (Turkey) 2012-2013 

Jakie ma pan hobby

 I like to watch movies and watch TV series

Jak panu idzie   współpraca z kolegami z drużyny
Good! I think 
everybody on the team gets along well and like each other. I think once we are together for longer we will learn how to play better as a team and trust each other
 Na jakiej gra pan pozycji
  I play the power forward position (4). But sometimes the Center (5)
Co pan może  powiedzieć o trenerze  
I think he has great knowledge of the game of basketball and really enjoys being the coach. I think he puts a lot of time and effort into making a good game plan every week so we can have a better chance at beating our opponent.

*Jak zespół przygotowuje się do meczu polpharma & trefl

 We are getting prepared by having a tough week of practice just like we do every week. We make sure that we focus on the things we do well first, then we make sure we focus on what Trefl Sopot does well as a team so we can be ready defensively 

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